NJAIHA Executive Board

Elected Positions

Bill Pockels, President

Company: The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey
Phone: (908) 514-2160



Vacant, President-Elect



Richard A. Lynch, Past-President

Company: Lynch CIH & IAQ Consultants, LLCS Department of Labor OSHA
Phone: (609) 694-4539

Previous Past-Presidents


Barbara Woodhull, Treasurer

Phone: (908) 268-5603

Barbara Woodhull

Jack Zybura, Secretary

Company: Lewis S. Goodfriend & Associates
Phone: (908) 955-7763

Jack Zybura

Candice Kowalewski, Director of Membership

Company: All American Poly
Phone: (732) 695-4880
E-mail: membership@njaiha.org

Candice Kowalewski

Vince Daliessio, Director of Publications

Company: Pennoni
Phone: (856) 656-2862

Vince Daliessio

Brian Feury, Director of Administration

Company: Langan Engineering and Environmental Services, Inc.
Phone: (973) 560-4857

Brian Fuery

Non-Elected Positions

Timothy Rice, Historian

Company: Rice Health & Safety Services, Inc.
Phone: (908) 782-2102

Tim Rice

Ronnie Tutty, Executive Secretary

Company: NJAIHA
E-mail: info@njaiha.org

Ronnie Tutty

Tom Burgess, Summer Course Coordinator

Company: T&M Associates
Phone: (973) 859-5322


Jack Zybura, Webmaster

Company: Lewis S. Goodfriend & Associates
Phone: (908) 955-7763
E-mail: webmaster@njaiha.org

Jack Zybura

Eric Shwartsman, Outreach Coordinator

Company: Department of Labor - OSHA
Phone: (732) 372-8787


Position Descriptions:

President - Serves for One Year

  • Chairs all NJAIHA Executive Committee meetings and prepares agenda
  • Appoints members of NJAIHA Committees
  • Serves as a liaison to and participates in NEIH Conference Planning Committee activities
  • Represents NJAIHA as a voting member of the Local Sections Council and attends or has designee attend the Local Sections Council (LSC) forum and business meeting at the annual American Industrial Hygiene Conference & Exposition (AIHCE)
  • Routinely communicates with NJAIHA Membership, Executive Committee, and headquarters staff
  • Serves as a member of the NJ Industrial Safety Committee
  • Ensures that the local section contact at National AIHA receives all section mailings, any updated membership directories published during his/her term, notification of any officer and bylaw changes, and a complete section activity plan in June (of each year)
  • Expected to attend 75% (3/4) or more of the Executive Committee meetings during his/her one-year term.
  • Prepares and presents annual report at last meeting as President (Spring Awards Dinner)

President-Elect - Serves for One Year

  • Arranges all regular monthly meetings of NJAIHA.  This includes finding speakers, replacement speakers or programs when necessary, meeting location, speaker gifts, procuring appropriate certification points for meetings and providing necessary information to Executive Secretary to ensure membership is informed of meeting information in a timely fashion
  • Oversees monthly newsletter and announcements
  • Chairs the Program Committee and is a nonvoting member of the LSC. See President's duty number 4 above for more on LSC
  • Performs tasks requested by President
  • When the President is absent, runs meetings
  • Serves as liaison with the Executive Secretary
  • Serves as liaison to the Welcoming Committee (sign-in table) for meetings
  • Becomes President if the President’s office becomes vacant
  • Expected to attend 75% (3/4) or more of the Executive Committee meetings during his/her one-year term
  • Attends or designee attends the annual AIHA Local Sections Leadership Workshop

Past-President - Serves for One Year

  • Chairs Nominating Committee (Search Committee)
  • Oversees annual Professional Development Courses preceding NEIH Conference
  • Performs tasks requested by President
  • Expected to attend 67% (2/3) or more of the Executive Committee meetings during his/her one-year term

Treasurer -  Serves for Three Years

  • Prepares and maintains financial records for NJAIHA
  • Receives funds and pays bills
  • Serves as liaison with the accountant and internal auditor
  • Performs tasks requested by President
  • Files NJAIHA tax exemption form with National AIHA by June 30 and files necessary financial paperwork with National AIHA
  • Prepares and issues financial reports to the Executive Board on a monthly basis
  • Prepares and issues financial an annual financial report to the membership at the Spring Awards Dinner
  • File necessary forms with the Bank to assure approved check signer's signatures and related records are on file
  • Expected to attend 75% (3/4) or more of the Executive Committee meetings during his/her three-year term term

Secretary - Serves for Two Years

  • Prepares and maintains minutes for the Executive Committee meeting
  • Maintains current and past incorporation documents, minutes, correspondence and other pertinent documents. Some of these materials are provided to the Historian for long-term storage
  • Performs tasks requested by President
  • Expected to attend 75% (3/4) or more of the Executive Committee meetings during his/her two-year term
  • Hands over bylaws and files to incoming Secretary and sends bylaw changes, complete membership roster and local section activity plan to National AIHA

Director of Publications - Serves for Three Years 

  • Coordinates development and updating of the NJAIHA Summer Course materials in concert with Course Director
  • Assists in updating the Operations Manual along with input from Executive Board. The Operations Manual should be updated once or more in a three year period
  • Manages advertising (when applicable) in monthly announcement
  • Performs tasks requested by President
  • Expected to attend 67% (2/3) or more of the Executive Committee meetings during his/her three-year term

Director of Membership Services - Serves for Three Years 

  • Receives and distributes new member applications and generates acceptance letters
  • Oversees awarding of NJAIHA Section scholarships
  • Oversees Student Affairs Committee
  • Selects appropriate awards for presentation on Awards night
  • Coordinates conducting of membership drives for NJAIHA Section and contacting potential members
  • Performs tasks requested by President
  • Expected to attend 67% (2/3) or more of the Executive Committee meetings during his/her three-year term

Director of Administration - Serves for Three Years 

  • Chairs Legislative Affairs Committee
  • Liaison to National for Legislative Affairs
  • Serves as liaison to the lobbyist when NJAIHA is using a lobbyist
  • Serves as liaison to the Audit Committee
  • Performs tasks requested by President
  • Prepares reports for each Executive Committee Meeting and/or publishes report in newsletter
  • Expected to attend 67% (2/3) or more of the Executive Committee meetings during his/her three-year term

Non-Elected (no specific term - not a voting member of the Executive Committee):


  • Coordinates solicitation, collection and storage of documents, equipment and possessions of the NJAIHA Section judged worthy of saving by Executive Committee
  • Oversees archiving/documentation of items placed into storage
  • Coordinates removal and subsequent return of items from storage when needed for special events
  • Expected to read meeting minutes and attend some Executive Committee meetings
  • Holds the corporate seal for the NJAIHA Section

Executive Secretary

  • Maintains NJAIHA mailing list and coordinates NJAIHA mailings
  • Sends out dues notices and ballots
  • Serves as contact person for confirming attendance at meetings and other events
  • Performs tasks requested by President
  • Expected to read meeting minutes

Summer Course Coordinator:

  • Coordinates Summer IH Review Course
  • Advertises summer course with assistance from Executive Committee
  • At end of course, submits invoices to Treasurer
  • At end of course, submits list of instructors with addresses to Treasurer
  • At end of course, provides course evaluation forms to Executive Committee
  • Obtains permit for training location


  • Performs regular maintenance on the website, including domain registration and software updates
  • Performs regular updates to the website including upcoming meetings, training, and events, newsletters, job postings, etc.
  • Updates bulk-email program with the current membership list for the Board’s use in distributing information
  • Manages online registration platform used for NJAIHA events
  • Assigns and manages e-mail accounts used by executive board members
  • Assigns and manages user accounts that allow access to secured pages of the website and shared DropBox folder
  • Expected to read meeting minutes and attend some Executive Committee meetings

Outreach Coordinator:

  • Coordinates with local schools and youth associations to provide IH related material and presentations to the students
  • Tracks outreach efforts and helps prepare members to speak at these events
  • Expected to read meeting minutes and attend some Executive Committee meetings