2024 NJAIHA Professional Development Courses

December 5, 2024 @ 8:00 am – 4:00 pm
4000 Hadley Road
South Plainfield
NJ 07080
Richard A. Lynch

The NJAIHA will be hosting Professional Development Courses (PDCs) on Thursday, December 5th, the day prior to the Northeast Industrial Hygiene Conference (NEIHce). The PDCs will be presented IN-PERSON at the PSE&G facility on Hadley Road in South Plainfield, NJ. Each course is offered at an early-registration discount of $125 until 11/27, and afterwards will increase to $150 per course. Register Here

Courses Include:

  • Course #1: (8:30am-12:00pm) AIHA “Focus 4 for health” and going beyond OSHA standards in Governmental Construction, presented by Joy Fleming and Dan Kane
  • Course #2: (8:30am-12:00pm) Healthcare and HVAC Hygiene, presented by Dr. Richard M. Lynch and Tom Peter

12:00pm-1:00pm: Catered Lunch Included

  • Course #3: (1:00pm-4:30pm) LEED IAQ Testing and LEED Design, presented by Vince Daliessio and Tim Wong
  • Course #4 (1:00pm-4:30pm): Building an Ethical Foundation for Occupational Safety and Health Programs, presented by Nancy Orr, CIH, CSP, FAIHA

**This course fulfills the ABIH ethics requirement for CIH recertification maintenance credit.**

Nancy Orr has over 40 years of experience in the occupational safety, health and environmental protection fields.  She is the owner of Sage Health and Safety, LLC, a NYC based firm providing comprehensive safety and health consulting services, since 2018.  Prior to opening Sage Nancy was the Senior Director, Environment, Health and Safety, Global Operations at Becton Dickinson and Company (BD), a multinational medical device and life sciences company with manufacturing operations in 24 countries. She started her career as an OSHA Compliance Officer and Industrial Hygienist for two major insurance companies, and Manager of Health and Safety at ITT Corporation in NY. She has also served as a Councilor of the American Academy of Industrial Hygiene, a Trustee of the American Industrial Hygiene Foundation, and has held several offices of the Metro NY AIHA section.  She is a CIH, CSP and Fellow of the AIHA. Nancy has a deep interest in ethics and has shared this enthusiasm in the form of PDCs and seminars sponsored by National AIHA, ASSP and  local and regional professional meetings.  She is also a member of the Executive Board of Safety 4 Nonprofits, Inc- a nonprofit devoted to providing pro-bono safety services to other nonprofits.

Course Description:

This PDC on ethical practice within the occupational safety and health field helps participants develop an increased awareness of the nature of ethical issues, how they arise and how they may be resolved. This includes  an examination of how recent deliberate ethical lapses by business leaders have seriously damaged the financial and reputational futures of some of the world’s revered brands.  From this starting point we will explore the following:

  • Understanding the nature of personal values and their role in guiding conduct
  • Applying tools and skills to analyze ethical dilemmas
  • Exploring the differences between legal, illegal, ethical and non-ethical positions
  • Learning to identify and resolve potential ‘conflict of interest’ situations
  • Making higher quality ethical decisions

Participants in this course will :

  • Acquire essential skills necessary to make higher quality ethical decisions
  • Examine the role of personal values and their application to decision–making
  • Explore how to resolve situations where truth conflicts with loyalty; justice and mercy
  • Discuss several resolution approaches to dilemmas in search of “the higher right.”


registration closed